Respect Life Committee


 Living the Gospel of Life: A Challenge to American Catholics:  A Statement by the Catholic Bishops of the United States:


Respect Life Committee Members:  Donna Huelskamp, Justin May, Linda Meyer, Mandy Miller, Marlene Puthoff, Connie Schmitmeyer, Patches Trevino, Kathy Wood Re

Purpose: to promote the dignity of the human person from conception to natural death

Tasks/responsibilities: To rediscover and make others rediscover the inviolable dignity of every human person makes up an essential task, in a certain sense, the central and unifying task of the service which the Church and the lay faithful in her are called to render to the human family. Pope John Paul II, Christifideles Laici, 1988, #37.

  1. Set issues within a theological
  2. framework
  3. educate on life issues
  4. plan activities, events around life issues
  5. identify available services and means to contact those in need with those services



Study Guide: